This is how you prepare your JaiJai curries and make them look gorgeous:
In the microwave
Your curry can be prepared in the microwave in 3-4 minutes. Here´s the -> VIDEO
In a water bath
After 15 minutes in the water bath, it's on your plate - and that's the best way to do it -> VIDEO
... and if you take our curries out of the freezer, it goes like this...
Our curries are very suitable for freezing. They can easily be stored for 200 days without any loss of taste. In this -> VIDEO we show you how to quickly prepare the frozen curries in a microwave (8 minutes) or in a water bath (25 minutes).
"Pimp my JaiJai Curry! – Garnish like a star chef
Do you want to impress your girlfriend, boyfriend, husband or co-worker? Or maybe just make yourself happy? Then we'll show you how you can pimp your JaiJai Curry quickly and easily with simple ingredients so that it looks as if you were the star chef! And not only does it look great, it also adds an extra taste sensation to our curries! -> VIDEO